Vanessa Hurst

Vanessa Hurst entered the University of Virginia intending to major in biomedical engineering. Then, like all engineering students at her university, Vanessa was required to…

Vanessa Hurst entered the University of Virginia intending to major in biomedical engineering. Then, like all engineering students at her university, Vanessa was required to take a computer science class. That class ended up fascinating her and changing how she saw the world, and Vanessa quickly changed her major to computer science.

“When I looked at biomedical engineering and medical I was like, ‘I’m going to be in school forever. I want to make a difference faster,’” she says. And faster was a promise she kept: finishing her undergraduate degree and working on the side as a database engineer.

Now, Vanessa serves as CEO of CodeMontage, a community she founded that empowers coders to increase their impact on the world. She’s also the co-founder of Girl Develop It, a nonprofit judgment-free environment for adult women (and men!) to learn about software development. Previously, Vanessa founded and ran Developers for Good, a NYC-based network of tech types who met monthly to tackle social impact opportunities and make the world a better place. For Vanessa, “making it” won’t be fame or fortune; it will be successfully getting people to think about technology and code in terms of humanity and the people who are going to be affected by it.