Kyra Williams

The realization that she was unhappy with how she felt in her body led Kyra Williams to trade her quintessential collegiate existence of beer, ramen…

The realization that she was unhappy with how she felt in her body led Kyra Williams to trade her quintessential collegiate existence of beer, ramen and late nights for one of whole foods and dumbbells. While it wasn’t an easy transformation, it was one that had a pretty dramatic effect: thirty pounds lighter and in love with her new lifestyle, a similar realization helped Kyra leave an unfulfilling corporate world to work for herself as a trainer, motivator and all-around good health guru, aka: “The Get in Shape Girl.”

Kyra’s no-longer-9-to-5 career is focused on coaching women to their best bodies and minds through her website, “ … Knowing I’ve done something positive in just one person’s life gives me the warm fuzzies,” Kyra professes. “I’ve always known being my own boss was the only way I’d be able to truly live happily.”