Dona Sarkar

[Welcome to I Want Her Job's second Women at Microsoft Week! We're celebrating the female force behind the company as we join the Grace Hopper Celebration…

[Welcome to I Want Her Job's second Women at Microsoft Week! We're celebrating the female force behind the company as we join the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing Conference, happening now in Phoenix. If you're going to be there be sure to tweet us @iwantherjob. Today's article is the last in a series of four that will help you find out what it's like — and how you can — land your dream job at one of the biggest companies changing the face of business.]

Yesterday you met Dona Sarkar, author, designer and principal engineering lead at Microsoft. You got to know what first introduced this incredible triple-threat to tech, why she ignored the “nerds” who told her she’d never make it and why if you fail computer science class once, you should take it again. (Dona knows because she did, and now look at her!)

Check out part two of our interview with Dona today to see how she went from intern to seasoned Microsoft professional. Hear her advice for budding women in tech, how she achieves work/life balance while juggling so many projects and why she says, “Computer science is a superpower.” Intrigued? So were we, which is why we wanted to take two days to introduce you to one of the smartest women we’ve ever met.