Brittany Harvey

When Brittany Harvey was growing up she knew she just had to be a part of the music industry. The daughter of a concert pianist,…

When Brittany Harvey was growing up she knew she just had to be a part of the music industry. The daughter of a concert pianist, she was bitten by the bug early. But it was one rock concert that changed her life forever, because it wast there that she met her husband, Jerry Harvey. The two married and a few years later started JH Audio, a company that designs and sells custom ear pieces for artists, audiophiles and music lovers. Brittany is CEO of the company, and Jerry serves as the creative designer and audio pioneer. And since launching the company the couple have racked up quite the client list — from Lady Gaga and Alicia Keys to Van Halen and T-Pain. Brittany says her children, family and friends get her through the daily grind, and the support she has in her life amazes her. Read on to find out about a job in the music industry you might not have heard of (or thought of) before!