Blake Irving

Ask people what word they often associate with “GoDaddy” and chances are it’s not very female-friendly. CEO and Board Director Blake Irving is out to…

Ask people what word they often associate with “GoDaddy” and chances are it’s not very female-friendly. CEO and Board Director Blake Irving is out to change that.

“I think that women will characterize GoDaddy’s last 10 years of advertising as misogynistic and not honoring women,” he says. “We’re going in a very different direction – not just in advertising but in what we’re doing inside the company. It’s about promoting diversity and being a great place to work for everybody – a place where everybody can get their best work done, not just the geek guy culture.”

So, with his team, Blake is on a mission to radically shift the economy toward small business through empowering people to easily, confidently and successfully run their own ventures online. And with more than 9.1 million women-owned small businesses in the United States responsible for generating more than $1.4 trillion in revenue, I Want Her Job Founder Brianne Burrowes had to sit down with Blake to find out exactly how the company plans to act on that vision. And she held no questions back – starting with the first one you’re about to read.