Ami-Lee Kelly

Ami-Lee Kelly knew exactly what she wanted in a job. But finding something with the laundry list of attributes she wanted took time — more…

Ami-Lee Kelly knew exactly what she wanted in a job. But finding something with the laundry list of attributes she wanted took time — more than a year, to be exact. Twelve months into her search, she found the perfect-for-her gig as manager of customer experience for the Commonwealth Bank of Australia.

As a customer experience manager, Ami-Lee does everything from helping with product development and marketing and communications to relationship and account management. It's an ever-changing workload that Ami-Lee says keeps her heading out the door in the morning thinking, "I'm going to do something amazing today!"

But being passionate about her work and a self-described worrier has meant Ami-Lee has to work hard at work-life balance. Her two tactics to keep her personal life from being affected: a designated "worry time" to get the worry out of her system and ending her days by writing a to-do list for the next day and then leaving it — and all thoughts of work — at the door.