Nellie Akalp

Nellie Aklap has always been passionate about the ideals and trailblazing spirit of entrepreneurship. What she wasn't so passionate about was how intimidating and seemingly…

Nellie Aklap has always been passionate about the ideals and trailblazing spirit of entrepreneurship. What she wasn't so passionate about was how intimidating and seemingly difficult the process of taking dream to reality could be. So she teamed up with her husband and, after starting a few of their own businesses, created CorpNet to help other small businesses succeed.

As CEO of, a legal document filing service, Nellie has had her hand in the formation of more than 100,000 corporations and LLCs. All of that firsthand experience has made her an expert at making the process of business creation a lot less intimidating for her clients. And while it's a lot of hard work, Nellie also takes personal inspiration from "beautiful people who are are trying to blaze their own trail and make their small business dreams into a reality." It's all part of the personal philosophy she follows: working toward being significant, then letting success naturally follow.