Debbie Adler

As a CPA in the fast-paced world of Wall Street, Debbie Adler realized she was bored. She had a good job, but felt as though…

As a CPA in the fast-paced world of Wall Street, Debbie Adler realized she was bored. She had a good job, but felt as though her passions lied in something a little more appetizing. So with a lot of determination and a dash of chutzpah, Debbie quit her “fallback” job and dedicated herself to creating delicious desserts at her very own bakery, Sweet Debbie’s Organic Cupcakes.

With an eye for quality and all-natural ingredients that leave refined sugars and allergens behind, Debbie now produces baked goods that leave her customers — like Gywneth Paltrow — smiling from ear to ear.