Amber Krzys

Amber Krzys wants all women to know they are beautiful.  Learning this lesson for herself the hard way, Amber created bodyheart to provide women with…

Amber Krzys wants all women to know they are beautiful.  Learning this lesson for herself the hard way, Amber created bodyheart to provide women with the tools of education and exploration to discover their strongest, illuminated, most confident self.  Amber is dedicated to helping women find the art within themselves.

Amber's own journey to loving herself was hardly an easy one.  A dancer and actress, she felt the daily pressure and constant obsession of maintaining a perfect body.  It was during her coursework toward a master's degree in spiritual psychology that Amber had her epiphany.  Tired of hating her body, Amber changed her outlook and in doing so changed the course of her life; that moment of self discovery planted the seed that would become bodyheart.

Her company bodyheart now serves women with a series of workshops meant to promote positive transformations from the inside out.  Through the bodyheart programs Amber believes every woman can walk through life feeling confident, joyful and pretty darn fantastic both about themselves and what they bring to the world.