Stephanie Winans

As chief operating officer, entrepreneur, mom, wife and MBA student, Stephanie Winans takes multitasking to the next level. The COO of Bundoo, an online parenting…

As chief operating officer, entrepreneur, mom, wife and MBA student, Stephanie Winans takes multitasking to the next level. The COO of Bundoo, an online parenting and pediatric community, she spends her days meeting with key stakeholders to ensure the company’s big picture is well tended to.

On top of this, Stephanie has a side hustle, consulting with small businesses, startups, entertainment personalities and artists on digital and social strategy. A desire to dig deeper into answering the question of how to raise capital investment prodded her to pursue an MBA, which she’s in the process of obtaining through MBA@UNC’s online classes.

When she’s not investing in her company or her education, you can find Stephanie enjoying her two young girls and husband. Although Stephanie says her days are exhausting, she wouldn’t change a thing. “At least my exhaustion comes from things I’m passionate about!” she exclaims.