Mandi Middlestetter

Most people love their jobs, but Mandi Middlestetter loves her job. As a copywriter at Razorfish, a digital ad agency with offices on four continents, she spends…

Most people love their jobs, but Mandi Middlestetter loves her job. As a copywriter at Razorfish, a digital ad agency with offices on four continents, she spends her days dreaming up copy for some of their biggest brands, including Microsoft. When Mandi’s days end she comes home to her amazing husband, Mike, and an adorable but slightly chunky lab named Lily Mae. And I can’t forget to mention that Baby Middlestetter is on the way! A walking fashion plate, Mandi also is a shoe fiend with a collection that would make you want to raid her closet. And if all of this wasn’t impressive enough, she’s a word nut who will stop you mid-conversation if she likes a term you’ve used, a book lover who can’t be torn away from the pages of a juicy novel, a sentimental soul who believes family heirlooms make the best presents and someone so kind and caring that you instantly want to be her best friend. Trust me, I did! Mandi also believes in following your instincts — always. After all, she claims her intuition has yet to lead her astray.