Liz Carlson

An entrepreneur has to be one of the coolest jobs out there, but it also has to be one of the most frustrating. And today's…

An entrepreneur has to be one of the coolest jobs out there, but it also has to be one of the most frustrating. And today's leading lady, Liz Carlson, the founder and CEO of, will tell you that firsthand. Just last October, Liz started working with two others on her passion — creating a website that leveraged a person's Facebook connections to help them find an "in" at their dream company. Liz first came up with the site after growing frustrated that she was turning in online job application after online job application, only to be rejected not by a person but by … a computer! In the meantime, her friend landed a job a Google as a result of a recommendation from a mutual friend. This got Liz thinking that there had to be a better way to leverage these connections.

Now, she runs the site that received more than 5,000 hits in just 24 hours, and in a matter of a week has been interviewed by everyone from Mashable to U.S. News. But don't think success came easily. Liz had a quality vital to any entrepreneur; She was resourceful. She crowdsourced her logo on 99 Designs, worked out of a Starbucks, and even sold her furniture and slept on an IKEA mat to make her dream come true.