Kathy Hepinstall

Oprah's show and book club may be over, but writer Kathy Hepinstall isn't giving up on getting her "call" from the talk show host. She's…

Oprah's show and book club may be over, but writer Kathy Hepinstall isn't giving up on getting her "call" from the talk show host. She's set up scavenger hunts near Oprah's home and taken out ads in the local paper. Her goal: that fateful moment when Oprah calls to voice her approval; something Kathy describes as " like being gently poked in the back by a unicorn while you were taking out the trash."

That anecdote is a nice introduction into the passion and imagination Kathy brings to her work. Drawn by the creativity and people, Kathy started her career as a copywriter. Then, after working at several L.A. agencies, she went out on her own and freelanced for several years, during which time she wrote her first two novels. Her third novel, "Prince of Lost Places", has been optioned as a movie, along with her book "The House of Gentle Men".