Jennifer Kelton

Check out this resumé … Jennifer Kelton is an entrepreneur, social media innovator and dating advisor. As the founder and CEO of, and as…

Check out this resumé … Jennifer Kelton is an entrepreneur, social media innovator and dating advisor. As the founder and CEO of, and as creator, director and producer of Bad Date TV and the Internet dating game show, "Dating in Disguise," Jennifer helps people learn, laugh and connect based on their shared bad dating experiences. She also is the author of "Don't Use My Sweater Like a Towel," a candid dating guide based on her own dating experiences. Oh, and also add founder and CEO of Green Knights Entertainment, a Transmedia company, to her growing list of achievements. Jennifer will tell you below that she spends the majority of her days updating her blogs and social media accounts, in meetings and responding to emails, but she also enjoys travel (She was recently in Africa!), snowboarding and taking photos. And best yet, she believes life has been her greatest teacher, and if you're passionate then you can make anything happen.