Jennifer Conforti

At only 26 years old, Jennifer Conforti has an enviable title at an amazing fashion company. She's the vice president of operations for, an…

At only 26 years old, Jennifer Conforti has an enviable title at an amazing fashion company. She's the vice president of operations for, an online women's retail website (which features some killer brands). She has one goal as her career moves forward — to build isaay into a company that's a household name, so she can stay there until the day she retires. In her role, Jennifer wears many hats — buying merchandise, website development, photo shoots, marketing, and sometimes, because isaay is a small but growing company, you can find her in the warehouse receiving product and shipping orders. And she's proud to say she's one girl who has done it all! In addition, her job allows her the opportunity to travel all over the country. Within the last month alone, she's traveled to New York, Chicago, Boston, Las Vegas and Salt Lake City, and says she's constantly pinching herself when she gets to sit with designers to discuss a collection's inspiration and meet with her vendors. In addition to fashion, Jennifer loves yoga, art projects and snowboarding.