Brooke Miller

Brooke Miller is an emotional health expert, advice columnist and founder of Soapbox Therapy. Although she's been working as a counselor for six years, she…

Brooke Miller is an emotional health expert, advice columnist and founder of Soapbox Therapy. Although she's been working as a counselor for six years, she founded Soapbox Therapy and began writing her column in 2009. She recently added the title "pop culture columnist" to her resume with her new column for The Morton Report. It's an emotionally intelligent take on celebrity gossip — kind of "Carrie Bradshaw meets Dr. Phil," as one of her readers would say. Aside from her job, which Brooke will tell you she truly loves, she enjoys spending time with her husband/best friend, sleeping in, shopping at the Farmers Market, dancing until she sweats (especially in heels and with girlfriends) and a great facial without having any plans afterward. Read on to hear how Brooke created her dream job and her advice on how you can, too.