Amanda Knight

Amanda Knight is a striver. After graduating Magna Cum Laude in 2012 – while holding down three jobs and an executive position with her sorority…

Amanda Knight is a striver. After graduating Magna Cum Laude in 2012 – while holding down three jobs and an executive position with her sorority – she jumped right into the world of event coordination, achieving her goal of being her own boss in record time. In 2014, two short years after graduating, Amanda realized that while she may be living what she thought was a dream, she was doing so with a cost; she was striving herself right into the ground.

Born from her own burnout, The Cultivated Heart is a personal development workbook and journal meant to bring attention, perspective and, ultimately, change and fulfilment to the lives of its users. Ultimately, Amanda wants to pay her own life learnings forward.

“I want women to experience the life that I now have,” says Amanda, “a life full of joy and peace, free from constant striving.”