The Little Idea That Could

About a year ago around this time I started to flesh out the concept of a site called I Want Her Job. I was in the midst of a job search myself.

About a year ago around this time I started to flesh out the concept of a site called I Want Her Job. I was in the midst of a job search myself, and after months of trying to figure out what next position would satisfy my sweet tooth for a challenge, I decided I really was fascinated by all of the different career paths out there.

For so long I limited myself to “jobs in journalism.” My background, education and dreams had been in journalism, particularly magazines, and I thought that because it was what I built up and wanted to do for so long, I’d be a crazy person to try something else.

Well, I was wrong.

One of my closest friends told me that I was being silly to put all of my job search lines off one side of the boat. He opened my eyes and helped me see that I could go after just about any job I wanted, as long as I networked like crazy and knew how my transferable skills and experience could help an organization.

So, that’s what I did.

I followed a little tugging at my instincts that was saying I should stay in communications, but go digital. And I followed another aspiration pulling at my heart. I went to work for an advertising agency.

I Want Her Job is here because I believe in the power of networking, lifting one another up and following one’s passions. But it exists because of our community. Because of you. I think all of us could say that we ended up where we are because of a little help from our friends.

I’m no different. I Want Her Job is no different.

THANK YOU to the I Want Her Job community for reading our interviews, sharing our interviews, answering our interview questions and taking the time to help one another out. We’re all in this world together, so thanks for helping us make it a more empowering and inspirational place. We’ll be turning one year old soon, so stay tuned as we will soon be sharing details of just exactly how we plan to celebrate.

I’ve got your curiosity now? Good. Check our Facebook page and Twitter feed for updates in the coming weeks.