Meet Andrea Sosof Sisay, One of the Girls Our Campaign Sponsored!

These days a lot of people are spreading the message that big change starts with a small step. In December our community made that step when we sponsored the education of two girls.

Above: That’s Andrea crouching down in the middle of the front row with her hands touching the floor!

These days a lot of people are spreading the message that big change starts with a small step. Well, in December our community made that step together when we sponsored the education and mentorship of two girls in Guatemala through our ‘Likes’ for Learning campaign with She’s the First and Starfish One by One.

A few weeks ago IWHJ, STF and Starfish had the honor of introducing you to Zonia Saloj, one of the girls our community sponsored who is in her first year of middle school and the Starfish program.

But because of your generosity, we had the chance to not just sponsor one, but two, girls! And we’re excited to introduce you to Andrea Sosof Sisay. With an infectious smile and an energy that transcends the language barrier, we have absolute faith she is going to conquer all of her dreams! And like all of us, she is an ambitious girl who dreams of making a difference.

After hearing about our sponsorship Andrea sent us a beautiful Christmas card complete with a reindeer bookmark. It reads: Sending you greetings and best wishes. I hope that you are well and that God may bless you. Wishing you a happy Christmas season with your loved ones. With much love and caring, Andrea Sosof Sisay

The time and energy she put into this brings a smile to our face, and we can’t wait to craft some encouraging words to send Andrea’s way. If you have something inspiring you want to share with Andrea and Zonia, please email iwantherjob[at]gmail[dot]com, and we’ll be sure to share your encouragement.