Renee Eng

It might be surprising to hear that Renee Eng, anchor and producer for Time Warner Cable News, didn’t go to school for broadcast journalism. In…

It might be surprising to hear that Renee Eng, anchor and producer for Time Warner Cable News, didn’t go to school for broadcast journalism. In fact, she’s an MBA who did her undergraduate work in economics. But while she’s clearly got a head for finance and business, Renee also had an interest in broadcasting that led her to an internship at the station. Years later, when she spur-of-the-moment applied for an opening at CitiCABLE (her previous employer), Renee’s old boss remembered her — and her awesome work ethic.

Renee’s an example of living your passion; quick to underscore that life’s too short to not take risks and go for what you want. “There were definitely points in the past where I wondered if I was being silly or was too old; too foolish to be chasing my dreams,” Renee acknowledges. “… [but] if it’s truly something you want, it’s never too late to go for it.”