Rebecca Zaccard

Sometimes the best jobs aren’t found, they’re created. Not many know this more intimately than Rebecca Zaccard. After moving to Los Angeles to pursue an…

Sometimes the best jobs aren’t found, they’re created. Not many know this more intimately than Rebecca Zaccard. After moving to Los Angeles to pursue an acting career, Rebecca landed some commercial work and, prompted by a desire to promote her personal brand and love of sports, she created a weekly vlog. Little did she know, her vlog was a big precursor of things to come. It wouldn’t be long before Rebecca teamed up with her good friend Travis and BLITZED, a TV-quality NFL Web show, was born.

The YouTube series airs weekly during the NFL season in what looks like your favorite neighborhood bar. Rebecca, also known as RZ on the show, describes the show as “hilarious and just the right amount of weird.” (Take a peek at this two-minute intro to BLITZED video to see for yourself!) A local video production company agreed and signed on to help produce season two of the Web series.

Currently, the end goal of BLITZED is to build up the brand to include more sports shows with the same brand of humor. “We feel like there’s a real opportunity to cover other sports the way that we cover the NFL,” Rebecca says. Read on to learn more about Rebecca’s unconventional approach and find out what she thinks being a #GIRLBOSS is all about.