Missy Germain

After high school graduation Missy Germain tried nearly every job that appealed to her in the universe. Not feeling obligated to take the higher education…

After high school graduation Missy Germain tried nearly every job that appealed to her in the universe. Not feeling obligated to take the higher education path, she opted to get her education via the school of hard knocks. And this choice worked perfectly for her as it led her to some of her true passions, including a pop culture website that's a must on any girl's bookmark list.

Bitten and Bound is quickly becoming the "go-to" source for all things celebrity. The name comes from the site's founder, Andrea, who says she was "bitten" by the acting bug at an early age and Hollywood "bound."

Shortly after Andrea founded Bitten and Bound, which has been described as "The View" of the Internet, she met Missy and asked if she would be interested in becoming her partner. At the time, Missy was spending hours upon hours reading gossip magazines and thought it would be the perfect fit.

When Missy isn't seeking out the scoop on celebrities you love to hate (or hate to love), she's spending time with the most important people in her life, her family. She also enjoys entertaining and golf, but says those activities are best when enjoyed with her husband of 13 years and 11-year-old daughter.