Michelle Suwannukul

If you’ve worked anywhere—from a sandwich shop to a Fortune 500—for any length of time, you know that corporate culture totally matters. At Instacart, a…

If you’ve worked anywhere—from a sandwich shop to a Fortune 500—for any length of time, you know that corporate culture totally matters. At Instacart, a tech company that’s revolutionizing how we get our groceries, that culture is so important that they hired Michelle Suwannukul to proactively foster it. Now that sounds like a pretty cool gig at a pretty cool company.

In her role as director of culture and engagement, Michelle is tasked with enhancing and promoting company initiatives and values within the company culture. If you’re thinking that sounds like a busy, everchanging job, you’d be right. Add to that the fact that Michelle is a one-woman department and you’ve got a busy, exciting and downright interesting career path. So how did she do it? Read on to find out how a lot of hard work, some all-important networking and avoiding the lunchtime BBQ has helped Michelle make big changes in her workplace.