Megan O’Connor

Megan O’Connor always listens to her gut. And while that led her from one passion to another, it also was her heart and instinct that…

Megan O’Connor always listens to her gut. And while that led her from one passion to another, it also was her heart and instinct that eventually led her to the career she really loves — that of a massage therapist. But Megan doesn’t like to define her job by just one title. She also considers herself a body worker, healer and health educator. She also enjoys being outdoors. She says that same “zen” moment she experiences when working with a client she also feels when she’s outside running, camping, hiking, skiing and kayaking. A self-professed nerd at heart, Megan also loves reading, learning and indulging in the life of a foodie, which for her includes baking, cooking and finding new vegetarian/vegan restaurants and recipes.