Kate White

Go big or go home. It wasn’t just the career secret that led former Cosmopolitan Magazine Editor-in-Chief Kate White to write her oh-so-gutsy cover lines….

Go big or go home. It wasn’t just the career secret that led former Cosmopolitan Magazine Editor-in-Chief Kate White to write her oh-so-gutsy cover lines. It was the secret that put the magazine squarely in the No. 1 spot in the world, and catapulted her career.

Kate shares this secret — and more — in detail in her latest New York Times bestselling book on work and careers, “I Shouldn’t Be Telling You This: How to Ask for the Money, Snag the Promotion and Create the Career You Deserve” (now out in paperback). And Kate would know what it takes. While leading Cosmo for 14 years, she grew the circulation by 700,000, oversaw Cosmo Books, Cosmopolitan.com, a bevy of digital projects and the brand’s fashion line at J.C. Penney. She also penned the best-selling Baily Weggins mystery series and two stand-alone thrillers in addition to a previous career book, “Why Good Girls Don’t Get Ahead … but Gutsy Girls Do.”

Kate worked for a handful of other well-known glossies and led Child, Working Woman and Redbook as editor-in-chief before joining Cosmo. Perhaps most importantly, Kate is a mom and managed to grow her career while also devoting herself to her two children and husband. With such a full plate, how does she do it all? Fortunately, she’s not one to hold back her secrets.