Karen Raz

Raz Public Relations came into existence simply because someone asked. Karen Raz, who had her first foray into the world of public relations while promoting…

Raz Public Relations came into existence simply because someone asked. Karen Raz, who had her first foray into the world of public relations while promoting a video game, founded her firm after a former colleague with a startup asked her to work for him. Initially declining, Karen stuck with her current job until her persistent friend suggested she start her own firm. So that’s just what she did — and took him on as Raz’s first client!

“Luckily, it all worked out for the best,” Karen recalls. Seventeen years later, Karen still loves her work and the relationships she’s continually cultivating. While networking is a crucial component to successful PR, it’s also allowed Karen to foster lifelong friendships that make work feel a lot more like play. “I like meeting new people,” she confesses. “And with experience in and around the same industry for more than 20 years, I count friends met through work as some of my favorite people in the world.”

A perfect example of doing what she loves both in the office and at home with her three boys, Karen Raz gives us some insight into how she makes it all work.