Julie Drew

Julie Drew likes finding the story in everything. Novels, comics, even “an especially well-crafted tweet” all inspire this self-described avid reader. That love of reading…

Julie Drew likes finding the story in everything. Novels, comics, even “an especially well-crafted tweet” all inspire this self-described avid reader. That love of reading and stories is probably why Julie calls her dual roles as a novelist and a tenured English professor at The University of Akron a perfect fit. After all, not everyone can say the work they do in the office is exactly what they prefer to do in the free time they have at home.

How does a woman who lives her job on and off the clock achieve balance? Julie admits that’s her constant struggle. “I have difficulty switching gears. When I have to, I come up for air and reluctantly do the things I’ve been neglecting.”

When “your head is your office” it’s not surprising that sometimes a few chores get neglected. And while Julie says that’s something she’s working on, we think her pure love for her craft is worth leaving the laundry until tomorrow.