Jade Floyd

On an average day, Jade Floyd is pitching story ideas to reporters on topics ranging from wine to philanthropy and innovative tech companies. Or she’s…

On an average day, Jade Floyd is pitching story ideas to reporters on topics ranging from wine to philanthropy and innovative tech companies. Or she’s crafting messaging for venture capitalists and philanthropists. Perhaps she’s even hosting a fundraiser for one of the nonprofit boards she sits on, or even coordinating taking in another foster puppy from a local animal rescue.

Born and raised in Texas, Jade moved to D.C. 10 years ago after graduate school to begin her career in public affairs. Since then, she’s made her mark representing high-profile companies and serving as a champion for local nonprofits—all while writing a personal blog, DC This Week, about what food and cultural happenings in the city should be on your radar.

Ask Jade where to host a birthday dinner and she’ll rattle off no less than 10 hot restaurants. Ask her about wine and she’ll rave about Champagne (a throwback from a client she worked for), but convince you that Virginia has some of the best up-and-coming vineyards. If you're lucky enough to be her officemate (full disclosure: IWHJ writer Jenna Sauber once was), you'll get fresh pecans or brisket from her parents' farm in San Antonio, a hard-to-get invite to an exclusive event, or the name and number of basically anyone's services you might need in D.C. "I take a fearless approach to my life and work each day,” Jade says. “I'm not afraid to reach outside of my comfort zone to pitch a story, launch an idea, or make a connection that can help others."