Faith Du

Spend a few minutes with Faith Du and you’d never guess she spends her days pouring over medical device and drug treatment regulation manuals and…

Spend a few minutes with Faith Du and you’d never guess she spends her days pouring over medical device and drug treatment regulation manuals and procedures. The cheerful and compassionate San Diegan not only digs diving into regulatory affairs, but loves spending much of her time giving back to the community and causes around the world through organizations and her church. “(My job) aligns well with my passion to help people,” Faith explains. “No one really thinks of the person who makes sure medications and medical devices are safe, but I’m sure they’re glad people like my co-workers and I exist. It’s another way to contribute to making the world better.”

Faith admits she’s a “super nerd” who uses way too many Post-it notes and gladly participates in back-to-back meetings with people from all over the world, just as long as she can make time to escape to the beach afterwards. “One no-fail tactic I have is to reward myself after I’ve completed a milestone at work. It could be as simple as allowing myself time to sit on the beach — or maybe buying a new purse.”