Devin Parr

Part 1 of 2: Get to know Devin's partner, Lindsay Stewart, in today's other profile! When Devin Parr pitched I Want Her Job there was one…

Part 1 of 2: Get to know Devin's partner, Lindsay Stewart, in today's other profile!

When Devin Parr pitched I Want Her Job there was one line that made us instantly want to know more. She said, "In an industry dominated by men, we have made a name for ourselves by creating a wine store that, for once, doesn't take itself too seriously." And because Devin put her dream job in better words than we can, we're going to let her do the talking for the rest of her introduction …

"I run a wine store on the Upper East Side of Manhattan with my colleague, partner and best friend Lindsay Stewart. In addition to coming in to work every morning and — often over champagne and a bacon, egg and cheese from the cart on the corner — squealing like teenage girls over the fact that we get to work together in an industry we love. We also spend every day trying to build the same passion that we have for wine among our customers.

In a business dominated by men, we have made a name for ourselves by creating a wine store that, for once, doesn't take itself too seriously. From having "Spinning & Sipping" DJ nights, to Wine & Wii, to wine classes that turn into dance parties, to tastings after tastings after tastings, our mission is to make wine fun and accessible to everyone, whether you're a seasoned wine vet or a rookie. Wine is supposed to be about pleasure; we believe the wine buying experience should be all about that too.

We come from very diverse backgrounds (me: video game industry; Lindsay: fashion design), and would love to share our journey into wine and beyond with other strong, creative, motivated women."

Oh, and because she didn't say it in her introduction, we have to. Devin has two ridiculously cute eight-pound Shih Tzus named Betty and Owen. They accompany her on late nights as she sifts through music to find new gems. She admits it's an expensive hobby, but it is her guilty pleasure. She also loves to cook and entertain, especially with her family. And she says that when all of those things just mentioned come together, all is right in the world.