Cristina Perez Edmunds

Cristina Perez Edmunds almost makes us wish we’d stuck with those piano lessons mom signed us up for. Almost. A singer, actress, songwriter and classically…

Cristina Perez Edmunds almost makes us wish we’d stuck with those piano lessons mom signed us up for. Almost.

A singer, actress, songwriter and classically trained pianist, Cristina finds herself pretty much living the career she envisioned as a high-schooler who unexpectedly fell into playing the viola. That teacher-created twist of fate was the catalyst for a fulfilling career that’s anything but standard. Oh, did we mention Cristina is a certified Pilates trainer, too? That’s just one more way she has managed to turn passion to profession.

Teaching Pilates in the morning, acting and singing in musical theater in the afternoons and performing solo gigs in the evenings Cristina’s days require serious balance. It’s no wonder that balance is one of the rules she lives by.

“To me,” Cristina explains “balance doesn’t always mean an equal amount of separate parts. It just means finding the right balance for me.” Whether your life lands you on stage, in the gym, or that corner office, that’s some pretty solid advice.