Christine Pokryfky

Get ready to be impressed: today's profile features Christine Pokryfky, a first lieutenant and Army nurse in the U.S. Army Nurse Corps. At age 24…

Get ready to be impressed: today's profile features Christine Pokryfky, a first lieutenant and Army nurse in the U.S. Army Nurse Corps. At age 24 — yes, just 24 — Christine has already completed a degree in nursing from one of the best hospitals and nursing schools in the country, lived in six states and worked in the ER, ICU, OR, Same-Day Surgery, Mother/Baby and on the Medical Surgical Floor of various hospitals. Currently, she works on the Mother/Baby floor of the hospital in Fort Campbell, Ky., home of the 101st Airborne Division, where she supports an average monthly delivery of 180 infants as she assists soldiers, Army wives, dependent daughters and their babies making the transition into motherhood and a new life.

"Whether I'm handing someone their child for the first time, snuggling someone else’s kid while I administer antibiotics or singing Beyonce songs to babies in the nursery, I know that I'm having a positive impact on the lives of other people," she says. "That's what keeps me going and motivates me to continue to better myself."