Carrie Severson

Carrie Severson believes — strongly — in inspiring girls to live their lives as their authentic, awesome, super, selves while developing stronger sisterhoods among their…

Carrie Severson believes — strongly — in inspiring girls to live their lives as their authentic, awesome, super, selves while developing stronger sisterhoods among their peers. So, she started Severson Sisters, a nonprofit in Phoenix, that was founded out of the belief that girls can support one another without bullying each other. She loves her job so much, in fact, that she says it has brought her goose bumps, laughter and energy.

For the majority of her childhood Carrie and was teased and bullied because she was overweight. She entered her 20s with a lot of unresolved resentment and body image issues because of all the pain she faced early on in life. She worked through it, released all of it but still felt as though something was missing. Finally, in the middle of 2009, she realized that she was afraid to live the life she really wanted to.

So, after a lot of soul searching and self-development, she began the long road toward developing Severson Sisters. In the development phrase she realized how big of a mission she was taking on, and her personal strength developed in a way she had never experienced before. Her job, as the founder and chair of the organization, is to inspire girls to live without limits, fear or pain. Her personal mission is to instill in girls the understanding that every girl is a super girl and every girl is a super sister. Every girl deserves to feel beautiful, loved, appreciated and understood throughout life.

The goal of Severson Sisters is to teach girls at an early age the importance of building self-esteem as a fundamental tool that will help young girls develop, enhance and deepen their relationships with other females, inspiring them to keep powerful relationships as a way to defeat bullying in schools and establish sisterhoods throughout life.