Bridget Nelson Monroe

Bridget Nelson Monroe is a digital strategist for Beehive PR, an agency based in St. Paul, Minn. In her role, Bridget’s work involves a mix…

Bridget Nelson Monroe is a digital strategist for Beehive PR, an agency based in St. Paul, Minn. In her role, Bridget’s work involves a mix of content strategy, analytics, SEO, writing and editing … basically anything that involves digital content! In her spare time, Bridget likes to volunteer with She’s the First, because she feels educating girls is the cause of our time. (Editor’s Note: We couldn’t agree more!) When she’s not busy optimizing content for the Web, or volunteering her time, Bridget is in the middle of buying her first home! After living in a different apartment practically every year since she turned 18, she’s excited to have a real place to call home and to start decorating it. And she also holds some sacred downtime with her husband whenever Netflix night rolls around.