Ashley Tarkington

When it comes to fashion, fit can make or break an entire outfit. And if you ask Ashley Tarkington, she might say the same thing…

When it comes to fashion, fit can make or break an entire outfit. And if you ask Ashley Tarkington, she might say the same thing about a job. What had at first seemed ideal working in production at “Access Hollywood” and later at soon felt more like that pair of favorite—but no longer quite right—jeans from college. What once seemed so perfect just wasn’t anymore. Her right fit, Ashley realized, wasn’t in entertainment news, but rather the fashion pieces she produced.

An opening in the wardrobe department at “Access Hollywood” was Ashley’s chance to merge her passion and a job into a career she loved. “I truly love fashion, putting outfits together and making people feel their best,” she says. She’s so in love with style she even finds time to author a fashion blog, Ash ‘n’ Fashn. Ashley assures us that as busy as it can get, some careful scheduling and a trusty day planner are the keys to success. “Oh, and always wear something that makes you feel confident.”