Anna Hodge

Anna James’s journey to successful fashion blogger began with not-so-successfully losing her dream job a week before Christmas. While the unexpected layoff was devastating, Anna…

Anna James’s journey to successful fashion blogger began with not-so-successfully losing her dream job a week before Christmas. While the unexpected layoff was devastating, Anna realized she had to move on. “Things in this business fall apart every day. It's so important to keep your head up and believe that everything is a lesson or a test for something wonderful ahead.”

It was out of Anna’s optimism, and a few sleepless nights, that Fash Boulevard was born. Colliding celebrity fashion with everyday style, the Fash Boulevard blog combines fashion advice, brand history and personal stories to make fashion both fun and approachable. And it’s a fashion equation that works, leading Anna a long way from unemployment as she collaborates with industry heavy-hitters like Lauren Conrad and receives tweet cred from Rachel Zoe.

“No matter what happens, you have to keep your head up,” says Anna. “The best things in life take time.”