Abiola Abrams

Abiola Abrams is a love and lifestyles columnist, author and multimedia personality. That means she works in broadcast media like TV, Web and radio, and…

Abiola Abrams is a love and lifestyles columnist, author and multimedia personality. That means she works in broadcast media like TV, Web and radio, and is a writer of books, blogs and columns focused primarily on love, sex, dating and lifestyle. She also hosts a monthly entertainment show on BBC Radio, Five Live. In the past, Abiola was a TV host and personality on BET, VH1, HBO, FOX and NBC. (Editor’s Note: You might remember her from “VH-1′s Tough Love,” which is where I first heard of Abiola and her community of passionistas.) In addition, her first book, “Dare,” a hip hop love story, was published by Simon and Schuster and her addictive daily blog, “The Passionista Playbook” is where you can find all of her Web series videos and love advice vlogs. And set your Tivo, because at 4 p.m. Monday, Jan. 31, you can catch her appearance as a teen dating coach on MTV’s “Made.”