Tara Sinclair: Senior Fellow Economist, Indeed

As a senior fellow economist at Indeed and an associate professor at George Washington University, Tara has the inside information on the industries that are growing and what it takes to be a part of them.


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If you had been told which majors were fast tracks to careers in the fastest-growing job markets, would you have approached your college education a little differently? Don’t worry, we’re right there with you.

The fact is, the job market is evolving quickly and even the most educated among us can find it hard to keep ahead of the what’s-hot-now curve. What are the best majors? What does it mean to be qualified? How can I find a job with a salary to afford me a solid 401k?

That’s where Tara Sinclair comes in. As a senior fellow economist at Indeed and an associate professor at George Washington University, Tara has the inside information on the industries that are growing and what it takes to be a part of them. In episode 25 of I Want Her Job: The Podcast, be prepared for more than a few surprises in terms of markets you might want to explore.

Tara takes Podcast Editor Polina Selyutin behind the velvet rope of the job-hunting process to give you the keys to not only land a job, but also find a career with continual forward momentum from entry level to upper management. Additionally, they discuss some of the hottest markets, the gig economy and why labor literacy is so important.


  • A Peek Ahead: Tara shares that today only 15% of jobs are high-paying and high-growth. And although in the future it’s predicted these types of jobs will be closer to 35%, she stresses individuals will still need specialized education and training – with 75% of these jobs requiring a college degree.
  • Silicon Rally: “It’s the tech skills that really matter a lot in today’s market,” Tara says, sharing that based on Indeed’s research, the No. 1 best field of study is computer and information science. “Interest hasn’t been growing in that field nearly enough for college students,” she says. “ … We are continuing to see challenges in terms of getting women to major in computer science, as well as getting enough majors overall in that field.”
  • Major Impact: Curious about the top three get-you in the door majors? Be sure to check out computer and information science, engineering and architecture.
  • The Right Mix: Concerned a focus in computer science won’t fulfill your need to create? Tara highly recommends students mix design classes in with computer science studies, noting that creativity and design is a vital part of the tech industry.
  • Maximizing Impact: If you want to increase your job potential and are interested in business, Tara suggests combining a business degree with a tech specialization.
  • Helping Hand: If you are considering a career in the health care industry, Tara recommends looking into nursing and phlebotomy, both of which boast career tracks that will place you in a high-pay, high-demand sector.
  • Hop, Stop and Go: Contradicting what you may have heard in the media, Tara says it’s actually healthy to change jobs because individuals tend to make more money when doing so.
  • On Emerging Jobs: The Internet of Things (IoT) is one job quickly climbing, and it’s such an exciting field, Tara says. She continues that the best combination of skills for future jobs is fundamental tech, creativity, writing and interpersonal relationship skills.
  • Recession Protection: While we can’t make ourselves completely recession-proof, we do need to realize that the next recession will come, Tara says.
  • On A Resume Gap: Often times those who have had a break in their work history are just as qualified as those who haven’t, but have a harder time getting in the door, Tara says.
  • Structure + Productivity: Tara reminds us of excellent advice. We need to know ourselves in the workplace, saying we need to realize how we learn or work best. She notes that we should work toward a career that mirrors both for the best results.
  • Finding Your Path: If you’re looking for clarity in your career, Host Polina Selyutin recommends reading Designing Your Life. In the book, she shares, it reads that it’s perfectly normal to be passionate about a lot of things, but it’s how you define and explore your passions through prototyping that will determine your level of success.
  • Connect: Follow Tara on Twitter and Google+