Rimidi Founder Lucienne Ide On Cloud-Based Digital Health

Lucienne Ide, M.D., Ph.D. began her career as a physicist working for a mobile company and then transitioned to another industry—venture capital. After hearing repeated…

Lucienne Ide, M.D., Ph.D. began her career as a physicist working for a mobile company and then transitioned to another industry—venture capital. After hearing repeated requests from large companies regarding the urgent need to help manage the cost of diabetes, she came up with the idea of Rimidi, a cloud-based digital health startup focused on management of the disease.

In today’s episode of I Want Her Job: The Podcast, Host Polina Selyutin talks to Lucienne about the alarming diabetes epidemic in the United States. Did you know half of Americans have either diabetes or pre-diabetes? And equally as staggering of a statistic is this: 1 in 5 healthcare dollars are spent on diabetes-related costs.

In the show they also discuss the need for more women to pursue career paths in digital health where 80% of the healthcare dollars are controlled by women. And although women are represented in the industry well within nursing and medicine, they still are not represented in health IT. Listen on to hear Lucienne’s thoughts on this, how her Ph.D. helped her to mindset when launching a startup and more.