I Want Her Job The Podcast: Jane Mitchell, Co-Founder of The Reset Foundation

Jane Mitchell’s idea started out with an idea on a sticky note. It has since grown into The Reset Foundation, an organization set to buck convention for those incarcerated.

Jane Mitchell’s idea started out on a sticky note. It has since grown into The Reset Foundation, an organization set to buck convention for those incarcerated. The idea is simple, says the Foundation’s website, “Instead of serving time in a dehumanizing prison environment, a sentenced young adult lives at Reset Campus, focused entirely on academics, career and healthy living.” The goal of The Reset Foundation is to keep these young adults out of an ongoing prison/poverty cycle through a two-year program focused on training, counseling, education and career support.

The United States has a higher incarceration rate than anywhere in the world — with 2.8 million behind bars. Of these individuals, 68% are re-arrested within only three years. And while Jane has selected a career path that’s far from glamorous, she loves her job, lives her faith and has an unmatched enthusiasm for keeping young people out of jail.


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  • Importance of Volunteering: Find out how a volunteer position as a tutor at the San Francisco County Jails opened Jane’s eyes to her current career path.
  • Thinking Differently: How Jane and her co-founder, Jen Anderson, applied the charter school format to the criminal justice system to bring The Reset Foundation alive.
  • How to Bring An Idea To Life: “Having someone on your team who can make things happen and take vision to reality is absolutely critical,” Jane says.
  • Focusing On What Matters: Why Jane’s faith is so motivating to her.
  • Critical Advice: Why there’s actually a value to youthful naiveté.
  • On Her Reading List: Real Love: How to Find Real Love and Be Truly Happy by Greg Baer
  • Learn more: Get more information about The Reset Foundation here.