Career Quickie With Dr. Dawn Graham:
Time For A Career Pivot? Download This Episode First

We hope you and your family are safe. And for those of you struggling right now, or for those of you who are scared, we…

We hope you and your family are safe. And for those of you struggling right now, or for those of you who are scared, we hope you are finding the support you need. With the events surrounding us right now you may be wondering, “Will I still have my job a week from now?” Or, maybe with this extra time to reflect you’ve been thinking your current role no longer fills your heart.

If a career switch is on your mind, start creating your own career pivot plan. But first, download our ‘Career Quickie’ I Want Her Job The Podcast episode with Dr. Dawn Graham. Dr. Dawn is the author of, of Switchers: How Smart Professionals Change Careers and Seize Success and a coach for the Wharton School’s Executive MBA program. You also might have heard her on Sirius XM channel 132 where she hosts Career Talk.

An expert on career switching, Dr. Dawn’s advice is among the best we’ve ever heard. And although recent events can make our lives feel wildly out of control, we hope you’ll listen to this episode to get solid advice for working on the things you can control. In this curated mini-podcast featuring some of our best moments from our interview in episode #104 with Dr. Dawn, we share advice for questions such as: Should I go back to school? How do I interview for a job in a new career track? How do I know if my job switch is worth it? How can I prove my fit to the hiring manager?

Download and listen on for advice on all of the following … and then get to prepping your career pivot plan.

  • What you need to demonstrate to the hiring manager in an interview
  • Why you need to be really clear on what you want to do
  • Thinking about tradeoffs with a career switch
  • What you need to demonstrate to the hiring manager
  • How career switching is a longer term investment requiring research, volunteering, interning, and gaining relevant experience.
Episode #111