About Us
I Want Her Job® is an award-winning website featuring daily curated career conversations for independent-thinking women everywhere in search of the next best thing. We are a community…
I Want Her Job® is an award-winning website featuring daily curated career conversations for independent-thinking women everywhere in search of the next best thing. We are a community built to encourage the individual growth of career-minded women by fostering a love of learning, curiosity and a desire to help others. From work advice to 'day in the life' experiences, consider I Want Her Job your big sister in all things career.
We are:
: mentors.
: risk takers.
: motivated by helping everyday women.
: goal-setting, change-leading and ambitious.
: grateful for opportunities and eager to open the doors for others.
: storytellers and story lovers.
: invested not in one, but in the whole.
The Leading Lady is:
: driven.
: collaborative.
: resourceful.
: a pioneer.
: curious about the world around her.
: on her second or third job out of college.
: someone you’d want to grab a drink with.
Image | Alisha Gaddis