Change can be so hard.
I’ve never considered myself a fan. I like clearly defined paths, plans and schedules. I also like to think I’m pretty good at keeping it all together and organized, and over the years I’ve also become well versed in the art of a thoughtful Plan B.
Sometimes we know change is coming – when the leaves turn during fall or when the routine of back-to-school clicks in. Lately, I’ve felt that there’s so much change, it’s nearly overwhelming. When there’s so much new at home, at work, in my industry and even in how people are treated – more disrespectfully than ever – in politics, it can make me feel a bit nauseous.
But, when I was feeling overwhelmed one night this week, I sat down and spent some time reflecting. And what I realized is this: I’m not afraid of change as much as I thought; I’m more afraid of those things that feel like they never change. If something isn’t working, it needs to be rethought, retooled and reinvented. But often times, it can remain at a status quo, out of fear that it’s not a good idea to rock the boat.
Mindful Change
Here’s what I’m promising to you this month, and something I hope you’ll consider making a commitment to as well: Mindful change. I’ve always thought of September as the beginning of a new season in life. While I no longer go back to school or shop for school supplies, I look at it as a time to think about what I want to reinvent in my life. And then, with the four months left in the year, I set off to do it.
One of those changes is the all-new I Want Her Job. I hope you’ve had a chance to check it out, and if you haven’t, what are you waiting for?! We have a fresh look for this new season of life for the site – with new branding, a mobile-responsive layout and colors that just feel right for this point in our life. It’s more modern, more grown up and more thoughtful. And one of my favorite parts is the introduction of the color green. As a website focused on helping other women achieve work/life balance – and happiness – I couldn’t think of a better color. Green is grounding. It’s lush and abundant. It's about new beginnings. And it’s also the color that indicates it is time to get going!
Don't Wait For Change To Happen To You
So, if you’re feeling a bit like I am, and you’re ready for change in places that really need it, I have the best advice. It comes from Gandhi, and it says, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” Don’t wait for change to happen to you. Get out there and create the change you want to see. It can feel overwhelming, but it’s only overwhelming when you sit alone with it in your mind. It is incredibly rewarding when you take steps to make that change you want to see – and get closer to reaching your goals.
So get out there this week, and #MakeItHappen.