If you’re a real estate agent, work in sales, or simply have the need to get documents signed quickly, virtually and on-the-go, then chances are you’ve used DocuSign, the leading e-signature solution and digital transaction management platform. The company, which is changing the way business gets done for individuals and global enterprises, has more than 85 million users in 188 countries. They work with more than 225,000 companies and more than 85,000 new unique users join the DocuSign Global Trust Network every day. Today we’re featuring one of the women helping to grow DocuSign’s reach. Robin Joy serves as senior vice president for the company, leading its Web and mobile business.
Robin's focus zeroes in on small businesses who are purchasing the service online or through the company’s mobile app. “It’s fantastic to work in a business where you feel so good about the products and know that they are really helping to make someone’s life easier—enabling them to do business on the go,” Robin says. And we know she stands behind it. Robin credits her marketing career climb success at companies including Clorox, Odwalla, TripIt, Intuit and Caring.com to having a passion for the product or service one is selling. Find out Robin’s other tips and resources for blazing a memorable marketing path below.
What is something you’ve learned during your career path that still stick with you today?
Find your passion. When I was in college, I tried a variety of different jobs and internships—at a law firm, an ad agency and in retail. Right after graduating from college, I worked in management consulting, which gave me exposure to a lot of different industries and business opportunities. Through these various internships and jobs I found my passion—not as a consultant, but as a ‘builder’ instead. I love to build and grow businesses and teams. I encourage everyone to experiment and try different roles—all while thinking critically about what you’re good at and what you like. When you find a job you enjoy and you are good at it, then you’ve most likely tapped into your passion.
What advice do you have for making a great first impression in a new job?
First impressions are critical when starting a new job. Make sure you get to know the team and the business, but also put a stake in the ground for the things that you think will make the biggest difference.
I also made sure I could identify some quick wins, so I could put some points on the board very early on and gain respect early on. With that respect and with success, you’re able to get additional resources—both in terms of head count and budget—and help get your initiatives prioritized with other teams.
What are some of your daily practices, mindsets or philosophies that you feel have helped lead to your success?
I start my day by understanding what’s happening in the world around me. I’m a big fan of the email newsletter theSkimm, as well as Flash Briefings on my Amazon Echo. Having context from current events grounds me so I can think more broadly before zooming in on what I need to accomplish that day.
I also believe in a growth mindset. I love to learn and am constantly asking questions to understand and improve. I welcome fresh approaches, and I learn from people across all different levels of the organization.
How do you balance your workload and inspire your team?
Every morning when I’m still feeling fresh, I’ll carve out time to think through my priorities—the things I need to get done and the people I need to connect with that day. Balancing that short and long-term approach is really important, and something that I try to be conscious of. Even if you can’t spend every day focusing on the long-term and short-term, it is something you can still accomplish on a weekly basis.
To inspire my team I encourage others to lead versus manage. I think it’s about building that team and inspiring people toward common goals.
For a reader interested in a sales or marketing career, what advice do you have regarding skills, experience or entry points?
Seek internships. Internships are a great place for you to try a job and learn about a field. They also can be an easy way to get your foot in the door. If you’re interested in the work and make a good impression on the company, then an internship can convert into a full-time job. In addition to summer internships, consider applying for internships during the school year when it’s less competitive, or after you graduate.
Leverage your network. Start with alumni networks from your school and prior jobs to help open doors for you. Even if the person in your network isn’t a hiring manager, an email introduction from that person to the hiring manager can make a big difference in getting noticed. Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for an introduction or an informational interview. More often than not, people will be open to a phone call, coffee or even forwarding your resume.
Embrace technology. Sales and marketing are more technology and data driven than ever before, so make sure you’re comfortable with analytics and familiar with the tech tools that enable sales and marketing–like Salesforce, Google Analytics and AdWords, Optimizely and SurveyMonkey. A thirst for learning is critical in today’s ever changing business world.
I’d love to grab coffee with:
Michelle Obama. She’s inspiring (think: “When they go low, we go high.”); fun (what other first lady would do Carpool Karaoke with James Corden?); and smart. And, she’s changing the world. I’d also love to grab coffee with [Salesforce CEO] Marc Benioff. He’s an extremely successful businessman and is having a broader impact on the world through his philanthropic endeavors. He’s tackling an issue that I’m passionate about–gender equality.
If I could tell my 30-year-old-self one thing it would be:
Environment matters. Make sure you’re working in an environment with opportunities to grow. You’ll thrive with the right team and culture. If you feel stuck, it’s time to make a change, either within your company or somewhere else.
My favorite nonprofit is:
The Full Circle Fund, an active network of professionals who work to make the Bay Area a better, stronger community. I’m also interested in helping women advance, and another favorite organization is Kirsten Gillibrand’s Off the Sidelines, which encourages women to make their voice heard.
I can’t live without:
Working out. Being active outdoors clears away frustrations and keeps my mind fresh. I like to swim and bike, and in addition to exercise, they enable active meditation. Even walking my dog is a treat in the Bay Area, which has so many beautiful places to hike. After working out I feel refreshed and ready to tackle the next big challenge.