Britney Robbins began her career at a startup specializing in online flash sales for … dogs! But despite her job’s unusual nature, knew she hadn’t found her niche. Work still felt like, well, work. Hearing again and again that “finding the job you love means never working a day in your life,” Britney knew she was just getting started. While fur babies are fun, Britney really wanted to work with children while putting her marketing skillset to work.
Enter Future Founders Foundation, an organization that teaches Chicago area youth about entrepreneurship. Reaching over 25,000 kids and counting with its programs, it’s Britney’s job to make sure everything runs smoothly; from in-class mentoring sessions to social media. Her days require plenty of planning and a healthy dose of sticky notes, but on the flip side, she receives enough inspiration on the daily that the whole “never work a day in your life” thing is now a reality.